diagnosis really costs car owners a great amount of money. To save the
budget, more owners tend to be DIY repairers, which is a quite good
idea. Some renault can clip v120 are necessary for them.
Modern auto diagnosis highly depends on science and technology. Nearly every step of your diagnostic
process has something to do with the computer inside your car. If you
have a PC of yourself, things can be easier. All you need to do is to
get a
autoboss v30 , a kind of car diagnostic cable, which helps connect your PC with the computer in your car. Then you download the needed software and set up it, the problems of your car can be shown.
You may wonder why all the data of the engine can be read by a single
VAG-COM. That's because all the electronic modules of vehicles are
connected by CAN Lines and K Lines, and these two lines are linked to diagnostic transmission. That's called multiplex transmission. In this way, you can read all the information via one line.
not renault can clip v120 very expensive. You can get one with around $20. When choosing from a
large host of them, the first and foremost thing you should consider is
the interface. To connect with your PC, you should have one with USB
interface. Actually most USB KKL VAG-COM products are designed for this
purpose. But there exists some have interface connected to RS232 of PC,
such as VAG IMMO3. You should take your daily usage into consideration.
Another thing you should note is the car models the VAG-COM is compatible with. You can get such information by reading the specification of the products carefully.